Homeschooled Children
English Grammar, Reading Comprehension and Writing
The founder of Studemus chose to homeschool for various reasons, but a major contributing motivation was seeing how poorly his first year and second year university students who came out of public high schools could read (for comprehension) and write. We suspect this is one of your motivations for homeschooling as well.
We offer private tutoring online in English grammar, reading comprehension and writing skills for children and teens from ages 6 to 18. If your child has friends or siblings around the same age, they could be tutored together (up to 3 children at a time) for the same price as one child.
Unlike other tutoring institutions that ineffectively give long tutoring sessions only once or twice a week (because it is convenient for the tutor, not the learner!), we recognize that children learn differently than adults and have short attention spans. Children learn grammar best in small amounts at a time, coupled with regular independent exercises.
For younger children (ages 6-10), we offer three 20-minute online sessions per week and assign short daily homework exercises (which we check) for the days in-between sessions. For older children and teens (ages 11-18), we offer three 30-minute online sessions per week, combined with longer daily homework assignments appropriate for their age.
Contact us with questions and to arrange a tutoring schedule.
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English Literature and Poetry
At Studemus we appreciate the great works of English literature, and we wish to share with your child our fondness of poetry. We consider it a small travesty that many public schools fail to instill in their students a love for the written word. Worse still, the canon of English-language classics is being horrendously neglected and set aside these days in favor of poorer quality and dumb-downed literature.
If students of the past could read all the classics and engage with all the English language’s greatest novelists and poets, so can your child. You know your child is capable of so much more than public school has to offer these days. That is one of the reasons you homeschool!
With Studemus, your child will receive more traditional instruction while exploring the canon English-language classics. Our students deepen their knowledge of poetry by learning about prosody (metre, rhythm, rhyme, versification, scansion and intonation), identifying different types of poetry by its form (sonnet, lyric, epic, narrative, ode, and many other others), learning the meaning of a poem, and reading many selections of the greatest poems of the English language. Your child will read and analyze the great examples of English-language novelists with our tutors, from A.A. Milne to Lewis Carroll for our younger students and Charles Dickens to Ernest Hemingway for the older ones. In our view, no child is too young to be introduced to at least some Shakespeare! As for teens, they should be able to read, understand and analyze Shakespeare’s most important plays and be almost as comfortable with Elizabethan English as with contemporary English. Our more advanced older teen students, if we feel they are ready for it, will even begin to read some Middle English texts (Chaucer) and Old English (Beowulf).
For children (ages 6-11), we offer two 25-minute learning sessions per week. For older children and teens (ages 12-19), we offer two 45-minute sessions. Each age level will receive regular reading homework.
We offer private sessions online with your child. If your child, however, would like to learn with friends or with a similar-aged sibling, our tutors will teach up to four English Literature and Poetry students at a time for the price of one.
Contact us with questions or to arrange a personalized schedule.
To choose a plan and make a payment, click here.
History and Geography
We offer history and geography lessons online for homeschooled students, ages 6-18. Our history tutors all hold at least a bachelor’s degree or higher in history, geography, or a related field, and are avid history buffs!
Unlike many public schools which use history as a platform for intrusive propaganda and introducing their values, we have no ideological axe to grind when teaching history. We learn history for its own sake – because it is fun and interesting! We will not try to instill in your child any “lessons from history” – your child’s moral and ideological development is your domain, not ours.
Your child will learn world history and geography with us: ancient, medieval, and modern. From the first civilizations in Egypt and Mesopotamia to medieval kingdoms to the invention of the printing press, our students learn a broad view of world history and understand why each era had ever-changing maps.
We will also teach your child’s own nation’s history (any English-speaking country), along with the local history of your province/state, region, and town or city. Our history buff tutors are trained researchers and will delight in putting together a specific local history program for wherever you may live.
Your child can learn alone in private online tutoring sessions or in small groups of up to four history students for the same price as one.
For ages 6-11, we offer two 25-minute sessions per week. For ages 12-18, we offer two 45-minute sessions per week. For all age levels, we also assign homework, reading and study materials that we expect our students to do on their own during the week.
Contact us with questions or to arrange a personalized schedule.
To choose a plan or make a payment, click here.
Political Science, Economics and Government
Studemus offers private tutoring online in the combined fields of political science, economics, and government for your homeschooled child. Friends or siblings around the same age can also be tutored with your child (up to four students at once) for the same price.
Appropriate to your child’s specific grade level and nation (we specialize in most English-speaking countries, including, but not limited to, Canada, the United States, Australia, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom), your child: will better learn the operations and composition of federal, provincial / state, and local governments; learn macroeconomics and microeconomics, the relationship between economic agents, and how economies work in general; and older students in particular will learn about the various political and economic ideologies and theories that have helped shaped the modern world in which we live.
As with our approach to history tutoring, while we tutor our students in the political and economic ideas that have shaped our modern world, we have no ideological axe to grind. We teach politics and economics for the same reasons that we teach history – because it is fun and interesting! Unlike often sneaky public-school teachers, we will never suggest to your child which political or economic systems are “better”. We believe in detached academics while teaching children. It is the parents’ right to instill their own values in their children, not ours.
Children (aged 6-11) receive two 25-minute learning sessions per week. Older children and teens (aged 12-18) receive two 45-minute sessions per week. Our tutors will also expect students of all ages to do short homework assignments that will be checked each week.
Contact us with questions or to arrange a schedule.
To choose a plan or make a payment, click here.
We offer private tutoring online for your child with a native French-speaker. Our tutors will help your child (ages 6-18) with any level of French, from complete beginner to advanced student.
Children learn best with short lessons and regular homework exercises for any subject. This is especially true for language-learning. For children aged 6-10, we offer three 20-minute sessions per week. For older children aged 11-13, we offer three 30-minute sessions per week. For teens aged 14-18, we offer three 45-minute classes per week. Our students of all ages will be expected to do short homework assignments that we assign for the days in-between tutoring sessions.
Private classes are usually the best for language-learning, but if your child does not want to study alone, he or she can have class with friends or siblings of around the same age. Our tutors will tutor up to six French students at a time for the same price as one.
New to Studemus – We now offer private French classes for adults as well! Contact us to inquire.
Contact us with questions or to arrange a personalized schedule.
To choose a plan or make a payment, click here.
We offer private tutoring online for your child with a native Spanish-speaker. Our tutors will help your child (ages 6-18) with any level of Spanish, from complete beginner to advanced student.
Children learn best with short lessons and regular homework exercises for any subject. This is especially true for language-learning. For children aged 6-10, we offer three 20-minute sessions per week. For older children aged 11-13, we offer three 30-minute sessions per week. For teens aged 14-18, we offer three 45-minute classes per week. Our students of all ages will be expected to do short homework assignments that we assign for the days in-between tutoring sessions.
Private classes are usually the best for language-learning, but if your child does not want to study alone, he or she can have class with friends or siblings of around the same age. Our tutors will tutor up to six Spanish students at a time for the same price as one.
New to Studemus – We now offer private Spanish classes for adults as well! Contact us to inquire.
Contact us with questions or to arrange a personalized schedule.
To choose a plan or make a payment, click here.
Very few public schools around the world still offer Latin classes to children. This is a pity. In our view, Latin should be a required component of the curriculum for any student who is university-bound.
The benefits of Latin are numerous. One cannot do any serious study of classical civilization (ancient Greece and Rome), medieval studies or western church history and theology without it. It is the mother of the Romance languages, which will help you understand many modern languages better. Our legal and scientific terminology is full of Latin words. Latin is a heavily declined language, so learning its grammar will help you appreciate your own language’s grammar more. And Latin just sounds really cool!
We offer private or small group Latin lessons for beginners of all ages, from young children to retired adults.
Contact us to ask questions or arrange a personalized schedule.
To choose a plan or make a payment, click here.
Most freelance private tutors and private tutoring companies offer longer tutoring sessions in mathematics for children only once or twice a week. This is because longer sessions only once or twice a week are convenient for the tutors – but they are not good for the child!
At Studemus, we recognize that children learn differently than adults. Children have much shorter attention spans, especially for complicated concepts. We also recognize that mathematics (like language-learning), requires consistent and regular practice at any age.
We therefore offer homeschooled children (ages 6-11) three short but pedagogically efficient 20-minute online sessions with our tutors per week and require them to do short daily homework exercises for practice. Homeschooled teens (ages 12-18) receive three 30-minute sessions per week, also with assigned, regular homework.
Private lessons are already priced reasonably, but your child may be tutored with a few friends or similar-aged siblings if he or she does not want to be tutored alone. Our tutors will teach up to three mathematics students at the same time for the price of one student.
Contact us to ask questions or arrange a personalized schedule.
To choose a plan or make a payment, click here.
We offer private online tutoring sessions for children of all ages in the natural sciences: biology, physics, chemistry, astronomy, geology, and the earth sciences. Your child can be tutored privately or with friends or similar-aged siblings. Our tutors will give sessions for up to six science students at a time for the price of one student.
The physical universe is a wondrous place. From the movement of tiny electrons to the diversity of biological life to the formation of stars – we want your child to feel the same wonder for science that we do.
For homeschooled children aged 6-11, we offer three 20-minute sessions per week. For homeschooled teens aged 11-18, we offer three 30-minute classes per week. Students of all ages will be expected to do assigned science homework on their own during the week.
Contact us to ask questions or arrange a personalized schedule.
To choose a plan or make a payment, click here.
Complete Homeschooling Package – All Subjects
The founder of Studemus chose to homeschool his own children half out of academic considerations and half out of moral value considerations. For him, the academic standards of public school are simply too low, and the moral values children often learn at public school are questionable.
Some families choose to homeschool entirely out of moral or religious considerations. This is commendable. You care about your child’s moral character, the nourishment of which is one of your primary duties as a good parent. It is also commendable (and a sign of humility and personal integrity) when a parent acknowledges that he or she might not possess adequate knowledge to instruct their children in multiple subjects. Other times, a parent might be quite knowledgeable in all subjects, but simply not apt to teach them (everyone has different skill sets and teaching might not be yours).
You have already done the right thing by prioritizing your child’s moral character and choosing to homeschool. If you do not think that you are the best option for your child’s academic development, we have tutors who specialize in teaching all subjects for individual homeschooled students. As the parent, you can be present for every tutoring session in every subject if you like, learning all that your child learns while supervising the entire process, but the actual educating in most or all academic subjects can be our responsibility.
Contact us if you might be considering our Complete Homeschooling Package. We will work out a complete learning plan and schedule with you that best suits your child or children.